akleeberg    Podróże    New Zealand, Australia and SE Asia 2010    Z Aucklnad na polwysep Coromandel/From Auckland to Coromandel Peninsula
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Z Aucklnad na polwysep Coromandel/From Auckland to Coromandel Peninsula

Nowa Zelandia
Nowa Zelandia, Whitianga Harbour
Przejechano 20524 km
W koncu mamy dostep do internetu na dluzej niz 15 min. i za darmo ;) wiec bedzie troche refleksji :).
Auckland nie zrobilo na nas specjalnego wrazenia. Centrum miasta nowoczesne, z wysokimi, szklanymi budynkami, ale gdzieniegdzie sa stare kolonialne budynki w dobrym stanie. Przedmiescia i srodmiescie przypomina troche te z amerykanskich miasteczek: szeroka ulica, na poboczu miejsca parkingowe, chodniki zadaszone gdzie leniwie toczy sie zycie (leniwie pewnie dlatego ze byl to akurat dlugi weekend - od 1 do 4 stycznia maja wolne i wiekszosc sklepow i knajpek byla pozamykana). W centrum jest kilka parkow gdzie chowalismy sie przed palacym sloncem, ale niestety bez fontann zeby sie ochlodzic :( Samo miasto jest bardzo ladnie polozone nad zatoka z przystaniami na jachty, na bardzo pagorkowatym terenie, wiec wszedzie bylo pod gorke ;) (zupelnie jak w Edynburgu :)
W sobote, wczesnym popoludniem wyjechalismy z Auckland na wschod w kierunku polwyspu Coromandel. Temperatura byla dosyc umiarkowana ok 25 stopni, ale slonce prazylo niemilosiernie (pewnie dlatego ze warstwa ozonowa jest tutaj znacznie ciensza niz w Europie i po 15 min na sloncu mozna sie spiec na raczka, wiec sie smarujemy co chwile kremem z filtrem). Krajobrazy, pod wzgledem przestrzeni, uksztaltowania terenu i kolorow przypominaja troche te ze Szkocji. Ale tutaj gory sa bardziej ostre w ksztaltach no i wyzsze. Kolory tez sa zielone, ale nie az tak soczyste, bo bardziej spalone przez slonce. Drogi sa bardzo dobre, krete i momentami strome (co dodaje uroku i po wskrobaniu sie na gorke widoki z oceanem w tle sa piekne), mimo to auto spisuje sie dobrze (jak na 18-latka ;).
W poszukiwaniu noclegu odbilismy nieco od glownej drogi, bo tam i wiekszy ruch i tlok. W miejscowosciach i na polach kempingowych pelno ludzi (dlugi weekend i srodek sezonu). W koncu znalezlismy ladne miejsce nad zatoczka/rozlewiskiem z dala od ludzi, ze stolem i laweczka - pelna kultura. Przy kolacji Pauline cos pogryzlo po stopach (to nie bylem ja - zarcia mielismy dosyc, zreszta kto by chcial obgryzac te chude kosci ;). Noc byla spokojna. Bylo troche twardo (no nic trzeba sie bedzie przyzwyczaic), ale sie wyspalismy. Rano po sniadanku ruszylismy w kierunku Cathedral Cove i Hot Sand Beach (plaza z gorocymi piaskami)

Finally we have more than 15 min access to internet and for free ;) so there will be some reflection.
Auckland didn't make big impression on us. City centre is modern with high, glass buildings, but there are still some older, colonial buildings in good condition. Suburbs remind those from american towns: wide street, parking places on each side, roofed pavements on which life is lazily rolling forward (lazily, probably because there was long weekend - from 1st to 4th everyone had holidays, just like in Scotland ;) - so most of the places were closed). In the city centre there are some parks but with no fountains to cool down :( Auckland is beautifully placed by the bay with boat harbors, on very hilly terrain, so everywhere was uphill ;) (just like in Edinburgh).
On Saturday we left Auckland in the early afternoon and we headed east towards Coromandel peninsula. Temperature was moderate, around 25 degrees, but the sun was really strong (probably because of very thin ozone layer and after 15 min you can have sunburn, so we are putting lots of sunblock creams on). Scenery is similar to that in Scotland (hills, sens of space and colors). But hills here are higher and sharper in shape. Colors are also green but not as reach as in Scotland, probably because everything is more burned by the sun. Road are really good, wingding and steep in places (that gives it more charm and great views once you climbed to the top) despite that our car manages pretty well (as for 18 yrs old one;)
During the search for place to camp overnight, we pulled off the main road, as towns and camping grounds there were crowded (long weekend and peak season). Finally we managed to find very nice, secluded spot by small bay/flood plain with table and bench - 5* location. During our supper some beasties have bitten Paulina's feet (it wasn't me - we had enough food, and who would like to chew those thin, meatless bones;). Night was very peaceful. Our beds were a bit hard (only sleeping mat - not much choice but get use to it) but we woke up fresh. In the morning, after breakfast we departed to see Cathedral Cove and Hot Sand Beach.
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