akleeberg    Podróże    New Zealand, Australia and SE Asia 2010    Przylot/Arrival
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Nowa Zelandia
Nowa Zelandia, Auckland
Przejechano 20416 km
Nareszcie na miejscu. Jest 14.30. Po dokladnej kontroli i skanowaniu calego bagazu (musielismy zdeklarowac czekoladki ktore mielismy jeszcze z Polski) lapiemy autobus do centrum (calkiem dobre polaczenie, bilet za $1.60). Z centrum jeszcze 20 min pieszo do naszego pierwszego noclegu. Tu zatrzymamy sie przez najblizsze kila dni u Ann ktora poznalismy na couchsurfing. Mieszkanie calkiem przyjemne. Mamy swoj pokoj i dwa dmuchane materace wiec nie jest zle. Ucielismy sobie godzinna drzemke przed wieczorna impreza. Potem poszlismy na grilla do ludzi z couchserfingu w Auckland. Bylo bardzo sympatycznie, bardzo fajni ludzie i luzna atmosfera. No i widzielismy sztuczne ognie puszczane ze Sky Tower... Szczerze mowiac bez rewelacji. Jutro idziemy szukac samochodu. Jak sie uda to wyruszamy w trase.
Jeszcze nie obrobilismy zdjec, ale jak nam sie w koncu uda to bedziemy sukcesywnie je uzupelniac.

Finally arrived. It is 13:30. After very detailed control and bags scan (we had to declare some chocolates which we had from home) we took the bus to city center (it's quite good connection, ticket is $1.60). From the city center we had 20 min walk to Anna's place (first couchsurfing experience), Flat is very nice We have our own room and two air beds. WE had an hour nap to catch up with a sleep. Then we went for a New Years party. It was bbq (surprise, surprise) in the flat of one of the couchsurfing people. Very nice atmosphere and people. At midnight we went on the bridge to watch fireworks from Sky Tower. Nothing special to be honets.
Tomorrow we are going to hunt for a car. If we will manage to buy one we will hit the road.
We didn't have time to process the photos yet, but when we will try to upload some soon.
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Komentarze (3)
Fiona (MacLennan)
Fiona (MacLennan) - 2010-01-02 01:16
Finally started on the big journey! Hope you are managing to enjoy it and are not too tired. With all my best wishes for a Happy, Exciting and Enjoyable New Year. Looking forward to hearing all your news.
akleeberg - 2010-01-02 01:51
Thx very much Fiona. We have managed to catch up with a sleep so we are not too tired now. Wheather is great. Sun is shinning.. just beautiful. All the best
K. - 2010-01-05 11:47
Myslalem, ze 14:30 tlumaczy sie na angielski jako 14:30 a nie 13:30 :).
Powodzenia i trzymajcie sie.
zwiedzili 8.5% świata (17 państw)
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